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Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

What is Mindsite API?

Mindsite API is an advanced eCommerce analytics tool developed by Mindsite that provides valuable insights into sales trends, customer behaviors, and market dynamics for online retail businesses.

Who can use Mindsite API?

Mindsite API is designed for developers, data analysts, and businesses seeking to leverage data-driven insights to optimize their eCommerce strategies.

How do I get started with Mindsite API?

Head over to the Getting Started guide for step-by-step instructions on obtaining an API key and making your first API call.

API Usage

How is authentication handled?

Authentication is managed using an API key, a unique 32-character string provided by your Mindsite account manager. Include the API key in the api-key header of your HTTP requests.

What is the rate limit for Mindsite API?

Mindsite API enforces a rate limit of 5 requests per minute for each API key. This ensures fair usage and prevents abuse.


How does pagination work?

Mindsite API uses page number and page size parameters to retrieve large datasets in manageable chunks. The response includes details about the current page, total items, and more.

Data Formats

What data format does Mindsite API use?

Mindsite API uses JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) for both request and response bodies. JSON is a lightweight, human-readable format for data interchange.

Is there a standard naming convention for properties and endpoints?

Yes, Mindsite API follows snake_case for property names within JSON objects and uses hyphens for word separation in endpoint names.