Mindsite API (0.0.7)
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Mindsite API is a RESTful API that provides access to the data collected by Mindsite.
query Parameters
date required | string (Date) Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. Use 9999-12-31 for latest data. |
calculation_type | string (Calculation Type) Default: "AVG" Enum: "LAST" "MIN_PRICE" "MAX_PRICE" "AVG" LAST selection configures data with latest crawling time in selected date. MIN_PRICE selection configures data with minimum price in selected date. MAX_PRICE selection configures data with maximum price in selected date. AVG selection configures data with average price in selected date. |
page_size | integer (Page Size) Default: 10 |
current_page | integer (Current Page) Default: 1 |
header Parameters
x-api-key required | string (X-Api-Key) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "items": [
- {
- "csku_id": "string",
- "product_title": "string",
- "barcode": "string",
- "brand_name": "string",
- "is_own_brand": true,
- "tags": [
- {
- "tag_name": "string",
- "tag_value": "string"
], - "retailer": "string",
- "retailer_country": "string",
- "product_id": "string",
- "merchant_name": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "is_psku": true,
- "is_main_merchant": true,
- "currency": "string",
- "availability": 0,
- "buybox_position": 0,
- "price": 0,
- "price_2": 0,
- "discount_amount": 0,
- "cargo_fee": 0,
- "promotion_text": "string",
- "crawling_time": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "date": "2019-08-24"
], - "total": 0,
- "page_size": 0,
- "current_page": 0,
- "page_count": 0
Price Bulk
Price Bulk API returns the price data in bulk. The data is returned in a csv file. Columns are: product_id, retailer_name, merchant_name, product_price, unit_price, product_price_2, product_price_3, in_stock, cargo_fee, promotion_text, is_buybox, buybox_position, session_time, crawling_time, product_url, mindsite_sku_id, mindsite_sku_name, brand, is_own_product, is_power_sku, product_barcode, main_merchants, tags
query Parameters
date | string (Date) Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
time | integer (Time) Hour in 24 hour format. |
encoding | string (Encoding) Default: "csv" Encoding of the file. Supported values: csv, ndjson. |
header Parameters
x-api-key required | string (X-Api-Key) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Price Competition
path Parameters
customer_page_id required | integer (Page ID) ID of the desired page |
query Parameters
start_date required | string (Start Date) Start date in format YYYY-MM-DD |
end_date required | string (End Date) End date in format YYYY-MM-DD |
time_dimension | string (Time Dimension) Default: "DAILY" Enum: "NONE" "DAILY" "WEEKLY" "MONTHLY" "YEARLY" Time dimension for the calculated index data. In None selection, the data is calculated for the whole period. In other selections, the data is calculated for the selected time dimension. |
price_type | string (Price Type) Default: "TOTAL" Enum: "TOTAL" "UNIT" Price type for the competition. UNIT selection enables indexes to be calculated based on the unit price which requires unit count information is provided in tags. |
header Parameters
x-api-key required | string (X-Api-Key) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "competitions": [
- {
- "competition_id": "5ee56a00-3041-4e70-b8e4-5d8b7d4bc11c",
- "base": {
- "product": {
- "brand_name": "string",
- "is_customer_brand": true,
- "barcode": "string",
- "csku_title": "string",
- "csku_id": "string",
- "tags": [
- {
- "tag_name": "string",
- "tag_value": "string"
], - "product_id": "string"
}, - "group_type": "STATIC_GROUP",
- "name": "string",
- "number_of_products": 0,
- "retailer": "string",
- "merchant_type": "ALL"
}, - "benchmark": {
- "product": {
- "brand_name": "string",
- "is_customer_brand": true,
- "barcode": "string",
- "csku_title": "string",
- "csku_id": "string",
- "tags": [
- {
- "tag_name": "string",
- "tag_value": "string"
], - "product_id": "string"
}, - "group_type": "STATIC_GROUP",
- "name": "string",
- "number_of_products": 0,
- "retailer": "string",
- "merchant_type": "ALL"
}, - "coloring_levels": {
- "target_min": 0,
- "target_max": 0,
- "margin": 0
}, - "date_buckets": [
- {
- "start_date": "2019-08-24",
- "end_date": "2019-08-24",
- "data": [
- {
- "base": 0,
- "base_2": 0,
- "base_min_info": {
- "is_min_price": true,
- "min_merchant": "string",
- "is_min_price_2": true,
- "min_merchant_2": "string"
}, - "base_status": "NO_DATA",
- "benchmark": 0,
- "benchmark_2": 0,
- "benchmark_min_info": {
- "is_min_price": true,
- "min_merchant": "string",
- "is_min_price_2": true,
- "min_merchant_2": "string"
}, - "benchmark_status": "NO_DATA",
- "index": 0,
- "rsp_index": 0,
- "rrp_index": 0,
- "positivity": "POSITIVE",
- "rsp_positivity": "POSITIVE",
- "rrp_positivity": "POSITIVE",
- "depth_of_promotion": 0
Visibility Scores
query Parameters
visibility_type required | string (Visibility Type) Enum: "SEARCH" "CATEGORY" |
date required | string (Date) Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
first_n_products | integer (First N Products) Default: 20 Number of products to be considered. |
position_type | string (EnumPositionType) Default: "OVERALL" Enum: "ORGANIC" "SPONSORED" "OVERALL" ORGANIC selection configures data with organic visibility. SPONSORED selection configures data with sponsored visibility. OVERALL selection configures data with overall visibility. |
page_size | integer (Page Size) Default: 10 |
current_page | integer (Current Page) Default: 1 |
header Parameters
x-api-key required | string (X-Api-Key) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "items": [
- {
- "visibility_source_name": "string",
- "visibility_source_id": 0,
- "representative_name": "string",
- "is_power_visibility_source": true,
- "searched_brand": "string",
- "searched_brand_group": "string",
- "is_own_brand": true,
- "retailer_scores": [
- {
- "retailer_name": "string",
- "retailer_code": "string",
- "retailer_country": "string",
- "own_product_count": 0,
- "total_product_count": 0,
- "score": 0,
- "target": 0,
- "is_target_met": true
], - "total": 0,
- "page_size": 0,
- "current_page": 0,
- "page_count": 0
Visibility Listings
query Parameters
visibility_type required | string (Visibility Type) Enum: "SEARCH" "CATEGORY" |
visibility_source_id required | integer (Visibility Source Id) |
retailer_code required | string (Retailer Code) |
date required | string (Date) Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
first_n_products | integer (First N Products) Default: 20 Number of products to be considered. |
position_type | string (EnumPositionType) Default: "OVERALL" Enum: "ORGANIC" "SPONSORED" "OVERALL" ORGANIC selection configures data with organic visibility. SPONSORED selection configures data with sponsored visibility. OVERALL selection configures data with overall visibility. |
header Parameters
x-api-key required | string (X-Api-Key) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "visibility_source_name": "string",
- "visibility_source_url": "string",
- "searched_brand": "string",
- "searched_brand_group": "string",
- "is_own_brand": true,
- "listings": [
- {
- "product_id": "string",
- "product_title": "string",
- "product_url": "string",
- "product_image_url": "string",
- "brand_name": "string",
- "merchant_name": "string",
- "merchant_score": 0,
- "is_searched_brand": true,
- "is_sponsored": true,
- "position": 0,
- "combined_position": 0,
- "page_no": 0,
- "max_product_count_in_page": 0,
- "product_count_in_page": 0,
- "crawling_time": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Visibility Search By Product
query Parameters
start_date required | string (Start Date) Start Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
end_date required | string (End Date) End Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
position_type | string (EnumPositionType) Default: "OVERALL" Enum: "ORGANIC" "SPONSORED" "OVERALL" ORGANIC selection configures data with organic visibility. SPONSORED selection configures data with sponsored visibility. OVERALL selection configures data with overall visibility. |
page_size | integer (Page Size) Default: 10 |
current_page | integer (Current Page) Default: 1 |
header Parameters
x-api-key required | string (X-Api-Key) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "items": [
- {
- "search_product_id": 0,
- "barcode": "string",
- "brand_name": "string",
- "product_id": "string",
- "csku_title": "string",
- "is_customer_brand": true,
- "is_psku": true,
- "product_keywords": [
- {
- "search_keyword_id": 0,
- "search_keyword_name": "string",
- "position": 0,
- "combined_position": 0,
- "page_no": 0,
- "target": 0,
- "is_on_target": true,
- "is_no_data": true
], - "total": 0,
- "page_size": 0,
- "current_page": 0,
- "page_count": 0,
- "start_date": "string",
- "end_date": "string"
E Retail Media
query Parameters
date required | string (Date) Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
first_n_e_retail_media | integer (First N E Retail Media) Default: 20 Number of e-retail media to be considered. |
relevance | string (Relevance) Default: "RELEVANT" Enum: "RELEVANT" "ALL" RELEVANT selection filters banners with own or competitor products. ALL selection brings all banners. |
page_size | integer (Page Size) Default: 10 |
current_page | integer (Current Page) Default: 1 |
header Parameters
x-api-key required | string (X-Api-Key) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "items": [
- {
- "retailer_name": "string",
- "page_type": "string",
- "page_name": "string",
- "page_url": "string",
- "page_preview_image_url": "string",
- "e_retail_media_position": 0,
- "e_retail_media_url": "string",
- "own_label_count": 0,
- "competitor_label_count": 0,
- "own_labels": [
- {
- "category": "string",
- "subcategory": "string",
- "brand": "string"
], - "competitor_labels": [
- {
- "category": "string",
- "subcategory": "string",
- "brand": "string"
], - "e_retail_media_types": [
- "string"
], - "total": 0,
- "page_size": 0,
- "current_page": 0,
- "page_count": 0
Content Detail Bulk
Content Detail API returns content data in bulk. Columns are ordered like that: result_id, listing_id, csku_id, csku_title, barcode, brand_id, brand_name, retailer_code, product_id, content_type, check_type, status, result, partial_result, check_metadata, product_url, tags, is_psku, product_image_url
query Parameters
date | string (Date) Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
time | integer (Time) Hour in 24 hour format. |
encoding | string (Encoding) Default: "csv" Encoding of the file. Supported values: csv, ndjson. |
header Parameters
x-api-key required | string (X-Api-Key) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Rating Detail Bulk
Rating Detail API returns rating data in bulk. Columns are ordered like that: csku_id,retailer_code,listing_id,csku_title,is_psku,brand_id,brand_name,barcode,product_url,product_image_url,date,product_id,tags,is_customer_brand,rating,rating_count,rating_target,rating_status
query Parameters
date | string (Date) Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
time | integer (Time) Hour in 24 hour format. |
encoding | string (Encoding) Default: "csv" Encoding of the file. Supported values: csv, ndjson. |
header Parameters
x-api-key required | string (X-Api-Key) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Review Detail Bulk
Review Detail API returns review data in bulk. Columns are ordered like that: csku_id,retailer_code,listing_id,csku_title,is_psku,brand_id,brand_name,barcode,product_url,product_image_url,date,product_id,tags,is_customer_brand,review_count,review_count_target,review_status
query Parameters
date | string (Date) Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
time | integer (Time) Hour in 24 hour format. |
encoding | string (Encoding) Default: "csv" Encoding of the file. Supported values: csv, ndjson. |
header Parameters
x-api-key required | string (X-Api-Key) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Review Text Detail Bulk
query Parameters
date | string (Date) Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
time | integer (Time) Hour in 24 hour format. |
encoding | string (Encoding) Default: "csv" Encoding of the file. Supported values: csv, ndjson. |
header Parameters
x-api-key required | string (X-Api-Key) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422